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Life... is what?

Life isnt always what it’s cracked up to be, and isn’t that the truth! Day by day, I go on with my normal life; work, family, home, friends, chores, etc. I know I am here, that I exist, but there are times when I feel like I’m on the outside looking in, so to speak, I see the news on television, and all the crap that is happening. Diseases, crime, politics, money… It’s all so surreal to me. Why? Because the little part of me that is supernatural knows what life is really all about. And this is not it. We are all slaves to a society that is corrupt and unjust. The craziest part about it is that we are OK with it. Every last one of us is brainwashed. This kind of brainwashing took probably over a hundred years to pull off. It sure did have a heck of an outcome. In order for the minds of an entire civilization to be altered, the leaders of our society, our government, has to go to extreme measure. It is no easy task. Since the beginning of our technologic era, our inventors have spent their lives on inventing and improving the very same technology that started the age of ignorance. Ignorance and convenience go together like peanut butter and jelly. Most people in this century aim for convenience. Everything revolves around finding the easiest way to go about doing something. From indoor lighting to indoor plumbing, to microwaves and toasters the world has put every effort and thought into finding new things in order for us to have to do less. Does that make sense? I guess it would, to the average bear. To someone like me, it is all devised to cover up some big secret or better yet, many secrets. I really wonder what it is that they know that they don’t want us to know. It would be real sad if it were all done just for money. Or it could also be about control. It’s one group of people wanting control over all others. I understand that when there is this many people on a planet, there does have to be control, but it would take a wise and humble person to do this and only that person. Since when did the majority allow the minority to make such decisions? Through out history, people have fought and died in order for the majority to have a fair life. In present time, that idea is virtually impossible. The world now is too big of a place for one or few to stand out and make a difference. Times have changed so therefore people have to change as well. Right now there is a big game of follow the leader going on. Americans in this country are more than happy to follow these rules, simply because they didn’t have to make up these rules themselves. It’s real easy to follow but harder than stone to lead. Those who lead now have it easy with the help of media and technology. So what is a person like me to do? When I see all that is around me and know that it isn’t right, that things should be different. Do I sit back and watch the show, and wait for the day when this seemingly flawless plan, fails? I have no clue. I do wish I had the answers or a solution but I do not. I only have myself and my thoughts. I do, however, constantly think of such things because everyday I am reminded that this life that we are living is a lie. The only truth is our heritage and name. In order to keep the convenience of having to think less, we put our souls at the feet of our government. There is nothing worthy or rewarding in taking an easy way out. Everything deserving and wonderful comes with hard labor. This has always been the way of the world. We are all children of one higher power and He wanted to teach us the value of hard work and the wondrous benefits that come with it. It is the same as a person buying a house. Once you own it, it is your responsibility to care for it and that takes time and energy. After a hard day’s work maintaining your home, you can relax in peace and be happy for what you do have, and not even think twice of what it cost you. In a perfect world, none of us would have to labor. Everything would be just right and there for the taking. We live in an imperfect world where we have to fight and work hard and cry and laugh. It’s a constant struggle for us in the majority group to survive, while the minorities have the control over everything nice. This is our own fault for not putting a stop to the madness years ago. Money is the root of all evil here and it has made even the sanest of men turn against his own family. I say we burn it all and start over. Give everyone an equal share of gold or silver and a small piece of property. Demolish all the skyscrapers and use those very bricks to build a monument to represent the extinction of the evil dollar bill. This would be all out madness and chaos; people couldn’t handle it. WWIII would have to occur in order to eradicate the mess that a few dumb old men got us into. The news and media make it all seem so difficult and impossible, these problems that we face today. The reality of it is, it is that difficult and virtually impossible to make those leaders in the minority group realize the damage that has already been done. It is too late for most changes now. All we can do is be better prepared for the destruction of this minority group which is inevitable. No dictator is allowed to rule forever. That day will be severely sad for all. It will be a combination of every single horror put into one giant bubble and when it bursts it will be everywhere. Every single heart will shed a tear for the ignorance of humanity. All will regret and try to repent. They will perish. Karma is a powerful idea and I truly believe in it. It is a part a nature and it judges no one. It just is. I live with the truth on my side and bide my time here. People now, live their ordinary lives without a care, never imagining that the life they were shown, can suddenly end and what does a person who has everything, do when they have nothing? Can they survive?