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www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Change is the only constant, Live and LET live!

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Change is the only constant, Live and LET live!: "Try to limit the number of possessions in my life. This has been quite the challenge. The only thing we are guaranteed is right now. Live yo..."

Change is the only constant, Live and LET live!

Try to limit the number of possessions in my life. This has been quite the challenge.
The only thing we are guaranteed is right now. Live your life so you won't look back with regret.
If you love somebody set them free. Trying to own somebody and something completely is never path to happiness. Respecting every living thing.
"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way."
Everything's going to be okay in the end

I make the most of all that come, and the least of all that goes.
being free, having freedom and being grateful for that freedom by living free!!
I make the most of all that come, and the least of all that goesenjoy your life!
I believe if you want something you can get it.
You need just to believe in yourself.
Find out what you love to do. Then, figure out how to make money doing it.
"Do to the others what you would like to be done for you. Always."
If you really want something and put all your effort to make it happen, anything is impossible...no doubts!!
"Yep! There is a God in Heaven!"

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
I believe everyone should go abroad to see the world with new eyes and to learn about other cultures and people.
As a foundation of life I believe in the best in people and I really don't bother worrying, regretting or getting angry about things if I can't change them anyway - life is too short for that!
life is like a cheese platter.
The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
simple life and enjoy it.

not give in even when people tell you that there is no way to correct a situation or that there is nothing you can do. I would like to think that there is always a way to do something. Even if it requires creativity, hard work and ingenuity.
Do unto others as they would do unto you [The several variations of this rule that exists to everyone.]
I want to make all my dreams come true, I don't want to be afraid to live my life. I want to be happy and make other people happy too. I believe life is a road we have to walk, and the difficulties are lessons to learn, things to conquer, to make us stronger.

I believe in making the most of life, enjoying and participating as much as possible, and looking after the people around me. I personally also think it is very important to be yourself and I try to live how I think is best regardless of what everyone else is doing.

Love the world
and be grateful for its perfection.
If you have eyes - admire it,
if you have legs - travel all around it,
if you have hands - cultivate it.
take the best of everything!
There must be a different way than the one that we are living now!
Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.

1) Happiness is a state of mind. It is not something you search and so seldom find. But gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness are positive attitudes to reach it.
2) Si on ne s'occupe pas de la politique, la politique, elle, s'occupera de nous... Et pas toujours dans notre intérêt, alors on a intérêt à s'en occuper!
3) Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
4) Pas de pitié pour les croissants!
5) If you consciously and deliberately put yourself in deep shit, I'm sorry for you, but don't expect me to move heaven and earth to get you out of it.
6) La Vita è Bella! Woohoo!

never give up
always do what you want:)
no worries
just be happy
the more adventures,the more interesting life
take opportunities
enjoy your life
try new things
every day improves your life
be smiled all the time
everything is possible
money lays on the street (and waits for me:)
only you create your world
heart is the best guide
all needed knowledge is already in us-you just have to know how to get it out
each experience develops you
no matter what happens you always have to follow your dreams and keep smiling
each act says sth about you
wishes do come true!
NEVER settles down!
life is one big and awesome trip!
not the amount but quality matters!
everybody has sth unique to offer
have fun and laugh a lot
be all over the place
just row with the flow
live your life to the fullest

It`s so much more fun.

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: No matter how you feel

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: No matter how you feel: "Life is good, make peace.It's never too late to have a happy childhood. Forgive everyone everything. Believe in miracles. God loves you. Mir..."

No matter how you feel

Life is good, make peace.It's never too late to have a happy childhood. Forgive everyone everything. Believe in miracles. God loves you. Miracles are waiting everywhere. You already have all you need. The best is yet to come. 

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: El 23-08-10 entró en vigencia el nuevo procedimien...

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: El 23-08-10 entró en vigencia el nuevo procedimien...: "Han sido establecidas importantes pautas en relación con los documentos que permitirán sustentar adecuadamente el valor declarado, facturas..."

El 23-08-10 entró en vigencia el nuevo procedimiento de valoración aduanera, es notorio que la Aduana ha plasmado en este procedimiento la experiencia acumulada en los últimos años.

Han sido establecidas importantes pautas en relación con los documentos que permitirán sustentar adecuadamente el valor declarado, facturas comerciales, transferencias bancarias, listas de precios, registros contables, etc. así como con casos especiales que, en la práctica, se presentaban con bastante regularidad, ventas sucesivas previas al despacho de importaciones con valores provisionales, importación de productos digitales, mercancías procedentes de zonas francas, etc.

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: ¿Una de sus canciones favoritas?

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: ¿Una de sus canciones favoritas?: "“Todo va bien”. Siempre se la dedico a mi familia, porque he sido muy afortunado en la vida al tener dos hijos hermosos y una esposa que me..."

¿Una de sus canciones favoritas?

“Todo va bien”. Siempre se la dedico a mi familia, porque he sido muy afortunado en la vida al tener dos hijos hermosos y una esposa que me apoya y quiere.  Amo a mi familia

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: ¿Qué le gusta de la vida?

www.cvperu.com cvperu1.blogspot.com 511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: ¿Qué le gusta de la vida?: "Que aún hay mucho por aprender."

¿Qué le gusta de la vida?

Que aún hay mucho por aprender.

cvperu.typepad.com cvperu1.blogspot.com cvperu.com511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Recomendaciones para enfrentar el sobreendeudamien...

cvperu.typepad.com cvperu1.blogspot.com cvperu.com511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Recomendaciones para enfrentar el sobreendeudamien...: "El sobreendeudamiento, que se presenta cuando la deuda contraída es mayor a los flujos de efectivo, impidiéndole a su contrayente asumir sus..."

cvperu.typepad.com cvperu1.blogspot.com cvperu.com511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Recomendaciones para enfrentar el sobreendeudamien...

cvperu.typepad.com cvperu1.blogspot.com cvperu.com511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Recomendaciones para enfrentar el sobreendeudamien...: "El sobreendeudamiento, que se presenta cuando la deuda contraída es mayor a los flujos de efectivo, impidiéndole a su contrayente asumir sus..."

Recomendaciones para enfrentar el sobreendeudamiento

El sobreendeudamiento, que se presenta cuando la deuda contraída es mayor a los flujos de efectivo, impidiéndole a su contrayente asumir sus obligaciones financieras y ponen en peligro cualquier proyecto.
Planificar, adeudar por la cantidad necesaria, tomar crédito en la moneda que trabaja, invierta el dinero, compre solo lo que necesita y autoimponerse una cultura de ahorro.

cvperu.typepad.com cvperu1.blogspot.com cvperu.com511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Un hombre de riesgos

cvperu.typepad.com cvperu1.blogspot.com cvperu.com511 994729921 campos_vargas@hotmail.com: Un hombre de riesgos: "No dejar de pensar en la mejora , conjugar la calidad de servicio con una apuesta constante por el crecimiento"

Un hombre de riesgos

No dejar de pensar en la mejora , conjugar la calidad de servicio con una apuesta constante por el crecimiento, tratar a la clientela como reyes, es parte de la estrategia.


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Libros Asuntos Tributarios http://charlas.sunat.gob.pe/doc/LibrosAsuntosTributarios_04062010.pdf

Libros Asuntos Tributarios http://charlas.sunat.gob.pe/doc/LibrosAsuntosTributarios_04062010.pdf

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