What is love? Well there are different kinds of love that exist. There is love for our children or our parents. We all have a favorite food that we love, or a hobby. These are all natural, and things that we cannot help. They are also easy; we don’t have to put too much thought into feeling the love. My question to everyone and even myself is what is True Love? The love that leads to marriage and children. The love that we die with.
Thousands of years later, the attraction of man and woman remains the same. A man meets a woman, a special woman, makes her his, and lives the rest of his life accompanied by the sweetest thing. A woman. A story tells of a Creator, who creates the man, then gives the man a gift called woman. He did this out of love, love for his creation called man. The creator has an infinite amount of love, and gave some of that to us humans, man and woman. Love is the most beautiful thing that can ever exist. In order to spread the love, man and woman unite, and reproduce that love. But it all starts with one man and one woman. The man is big and strong and has courage and power overall. The woman is delicate and nurturing, and lives to serve her man. Not serve as a servant or a slave would, but as a mother would serve her child. They are equal yes, as humans, one life is not more valuable than the other. But man was created with more power and strength. Therefore woman must respect the man. Each man is different and requires a certain kind of woman, and if that woman is not the one, neither will live happily. Woman must make up for what the man lacks. If a man lacks knowledge, woman must tutor her man. If he lacks self esteem, woman must build it up. If he’s hungry, she feeds him. If he’s sad, then she must brighten his day. In return, man must love her unconditionally and show her appreciation and gratitude, for a woman needs to always know she is loved by her man. They are a team. When it’s all so simple, it will truly work. Love is free, and anyone can be good at it and attain it. We all have it in us to love, whether it is towards another person, or nature or anything in existence. We do not live in a perfect world and with the good comes the bad. Man should be strong and take charge, when the woman can not, and vice versa. One of the two needs to have a clear head. One has to remember the love. This is a perfect example of ying and yang. Two yings do not complete a circle, neither can two yangs, but one of each suit each other very well, almost perfect.
My story starts at the beginning, with the way it’s originally meant to be. One man and one woman meet, and subconsciously knowing that they should be together. They don’t know much, but they do know that for the moment, for that day, they should be together. Be together and share thoughts and ideas. The man has been searching his whole life for a reason. She is that reason. She puts it all into perspective for him and frees him from his past and his fears. She gives him insight on his future and offers him herself as a muse. The woman has been searching her whole life for a man who listens with an open heart and mind. A man who will appreciate her thoughts and a man who will give her the love she knows nothing about. At this point, you would think it was meant to be, and there was a happily ever after. That is not the case in this day and age. Man and woman no longer can just be together as they did thousands of years ago. Back in time, if a couple met this way, they would almost instantly get married and start having children and live happily ever after. Today, there are rules and barriers. One must think before they act, and wonder for many months, maybe even years if that person is the one. This is the way of the world now. But this man and this woman have that ancient connection. There’s not too much wondering involved. Both are at ease and find peace in each other’s company. She wants to protect him, and he wants to take care of her. Her body calls out to him, and he comes. He needs to let out his thoughts, and she listens. Both are busy people, living busy lives, yet they make time to be together and because both mutually want to. Each person ignites the other’s fire. There is so much either of them can learn from each other, and what one lacks, the other person excels in. Ying and yang. How can someone deny that this is almost perfect? True love, or this magnetism between a man and a woman, is something that you can not find by looking for it. It finds you and it comes when you least expect it. Something so magical and pure can not be forced or created. Love is a part of nature; it is one of the most natural things on earth. This couple has that connection. They both know it. They even discuss it. Even though these two people do not wish to start a future, they are sticking together to see where it will lead. Together, they have fun, laugh and experience life from a new perspective; a shared perspective.
Of course with the positive, there’s always negative. Since this man and that woman live in modern times, they must battle it out with the world and each other. People get confused and instead of teaming up, and taking on the world, they get lost in translation and fight each other. They won’t accept the truth, and the truth is that they belong together, one completes the other. How sad that must be to our creator, to see two beautiful people act as enemies and abandon hope. A persons’ worst enemy is ones’ self. On top of all the conflict we face against other people, the biggest and most complicated is the battle again ourselves. People second guess their own ideas and thoughts. There is always a ‘but’ or a ‘what if’ involved in any situation. We have become a world where we are impossible to please. There is never any right answer, only a good enough answer. There is no ‘Mr. Right”, its ‘Mr. Right Now. This is what we are teaching our children. Instead of choosing one person to mate with, we encourage them to go a shopping spree and try out different varieties before they come up with a conclusion on who is good enough for them. The confusion that we pass down to our children is unfair to them. But it is too late to undo the damage. What’s done is done, and the only way to cope with life and love, is to find a new way to make it work. Maintain love and a relationship is now a full-time job.
Today’s society makes it so hard for two people to just live. To just be themselves and do what they feel is right. People turn cold and as a result, end up hurting one another. Personalities get complex. Life gets hard and for no good reason. So my question is why? Why have man and woman evolved to the point of no return? Will they ever find true happiness? The answer is no. Unless we can take it back to a thousand years ago, when life was simple and where people are not impossible to please but are appreciative of all the little things. Can this happen? Sure. Will it? Probably not. Man is stubborn. Woman is fed up. There is no balance. But there is hope out there. There will always be one man, and one woman, who find each other and who keep it old school and do things right. This should give the rest of us who care, small hope.
I pride myself in keeping to the old ways of the world. I do not conform to what is agreed upon as acceptable and right. My rules are different then everyone else’s and I am proud to live this way. It pleases me for another human being to question my ways, and allow me to give them a small piece of my mind. It is my belief that I was blessed with some form of wisdom and also with a great deal of patience. My goal or my purpose is to one by one, reach out to the people who have lost their faith, and who are lost in life. The answers are ridiculously easy! It’s the person who has turned complicated. Some people will never find the answers they desire. It’s sad, but it is the truth. So, what will this man and that woman do? What will be their fate? Well, I can not see into the future and I prefer to be surprised. This woman is prepared for the worse, because she has seen the worst. If it were to end, she will be sad for just a moment and will eventually keep on going with her journey. There is no time to waste dwelling on what could’ve been. That man has a lot to learn, but he has the right idea. Until he accepts himself, he will never be happy, and that is the lesson he must learn. This woman knows this, about her man, but he must find the answer himself. She is deeply saddened that there is not much she could do to help, and that she may lose him forever. He has a long way to go yet, and she may not be able to wait around. He has no idea what she thinks, because she feels it is safer this way. She wants him to live, but feels she may get in his way. So what is this woman to do? She will take on the burden for both of them, and pretend not to care when it is over, and let go when the time comes. No looking back, just move forward to a future that is unpredictable and full of surprises. Love is always around, if you want it, it will find you. If you can only have it for a small moment, then cherish it forever. Some people go through life not knowing love at all. This is sad. This motivates me to show love to all who will accept it. Just a little tiny bit of compassion goes a long way especially to someone who has nothing but negativity living inside of them. I was born to guide the blind. I’m here to make a difference and I am fully aware of it. Somewhere down this path, I will find the man that completes me, and I him. If this man is the one for that woman, time will reveal the answer to my question. Until then, just one day at a time, my job is spreading the love that has long been forgotten. Life begins with love and love makes the world go round.